Today, we celebrated The Hershey Company and their wonderful employees for all they do to support kids at Penn State Children’s Hospital. The Hershey Company raised $550,000 in 2017 through events like a golf outing and 5K, corporate contributions and employee giving. Employees visited the hospital and learned about how Children’s Miracle Network supports research, equipment and programs like Music Therapy and Child Life.
Eyes closed! Music Therapist Marissa Meyer demos how patients are empowered to make their own choices during a music therapy session. They choose the song, the instrument, and how to play. Today, we chose to play with our closed. Music therapy helps to distract patients from their pain and helps them have fun! Kids are still kids, even in a hospital.Child Life Director Ashley Kane explained how service dog Kaia helps patients cope with medical procedures. Kaia is trained to jump up on a CT scan table to show kids it’s not so scary.